Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Use the French Preposition Dans
How to Use the French Preposition Dans The French preposition dans usually means in, but, depending on the context, it also has other English equivalents, such as from, through, on, during and off. Dans cannot be followed directly by a noun but rather must be followed by an article or some other determiner. It can indicate a physical location, a figurative location and time. Dans is also required after certain French verbs that take an indirect object. Physical Location    dans la boà ®te  in the box   dans la rue  in the street   boire dans une tasse  to drink from a cup   prendre quelque chose dans une boà ®te  to take something from a box   copier quelque chose dans un livre  to copy something from a book   dans lavion  on the plane   mettre quelque chose dans le tiroir  to put something in the drawer   monter dans le train  to get on the train   voir quelquun dans lescalier  to see someone on the stairs Figurative Location    dans la situation actuelle  in the current situation   dans ces conditions in / under these conditions Period of Time    dans la journà ©e during the day   dans la semaine during the week   dans une semaine in one week Verbs with Dans The French preposition dans is required after certain French verbs that take an indirect object. boire qqchose dans (une tasse) to drink something out of (a cup)chercher dans (la boà ®te)  to look in (the box)courir dans (lherbe)  to run through (the grass)coà »ter dans (les dix euros)  to cost about (10 euros)entrer dans (une salle, un bà ¢timent)  to enter (a room, building)fouiller dans (les poches)  to look through (the pockets)lire dans (le journal)  to read in (the paper)manger dans la main qqun  to eat out of ones handmanger dans lassiette  to eat off a platemettre son espoir dans  to pin ones hopes onpartir dans (10 minutes)  to leave in (10 minutes)partir dans (les montagnes)  to leave for (the mountains)pleuvoir dans (la France)  to rain in (France)prendre quelque chose dans (une boà ®te, un tiroir)  to take something from (a box, drawer)regarder dans (la boà ®te, le frigo)  to look in (the box, the fridge)vivre dans (la misà ¨re, la peur)  to live in (poverty, fear)
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