Saturday, March 21, 2020
The eNotes Blog Another Kind of Green How Studying Abroad Can Improve Your CollegeExperience
Another Kind of Green How Studying Abroad Can Improve Your CollegeExperience To study abroad or not to study abroad? Its a question that confronts college students on a frequent basis, introducing an inevitable flurry of related questions that plague us: when should I go? Where should I go? WHY should I go Well, in an attempt to help you tackle those questions for yourself, our editorial intern shares his experiences of studying abroad in Rome and lists the 5 things you will reap by the bucketload should you decide to take the leap (and take it from us, you definitely should!): You dont need to lose it to know that you had it good. John Mayer puts it perfectly in his song Another Kind of Green, playing off the metaphor the grass is always greener on the other side. How many times in your life has it taken losing something to make you realize how good you had it? Although the song was referring specifically to relationships, this is true of so many other situations: a tough job, a class thats giving you a hard time, an initially socially awkward moment, drudging through practice for a sport Ive had this happen to me many times in life. Partly because Im a fickle person by nature and always second guess my decisions.  A girl I swore I wanted nothing to do with seemed like the greatest thing in the world the second I broke up with her. The one time this hasnt been the case is when I studied abroad. This was the one time in my life that I knew I was having the time of my life while it was happening. Thats a really cool feeling to have. I remember FaceTimeing my mom while walking through the cobblestone streets of Trastevere (my neighborhood) with a huge smile on my face explaining my new life on the other side of the world (between her sobs and complaints that she missed me). Piazza Navona, Rome I lived and studied in Rome for four months the fall quarter of my senior year. I stepped foot for the first time into this unknown city and experienced a foreign culture, a brand new language, and a completely different way of life. Whats more, I knew no one on the other side. I made the trek from Los Angeles to New York to Rome all by myself, and nervously walked into my apartment and university solo. I felt like a freshman again. But I was rewarded. To say that I had the time of my life is an understatement. When people ask me how the experience of studying abroad was, its hard for me to speak words that do it justice. It was the most fun, unique, rewarding, and liberating time of my life. I can break up all my experience into five different aspects of my life that were satisfied like never before: 1. Culture: Ive been a Southern California boy my whole life, growing up in Orange County, taking trips to San Diego, and attending college in LA. Ive ventured to other parts of the US, been to Mexico, but never have I fully integrated myself in another culture. The only way to do this is by living in another part of the world for an extended period of time, and opening yourself up to another cultures differences. It can be difficult at first I remember trying to ask for a cup of water at a pizzeria and the whole process took a full minute before the cameriere, or waiter, understood what I wanted. But this was perhaps the most rewarding part of my journey. Learning the ins and outs of a culture and its people allows you to rediscover yourself. I finally learned to dress appropriately; I stopped wearing athletic shorts and sweats to class and dressed like the Italians (although I refused to wear a jacket and scarf when its 75 degrees out like them).  Speaking the language with locals and soaking up all there is to know about life in Italy was invaluable. Experiencing the siesta or brief close in the middle of the day for shop owners to go to lunch was frustrating and unpredictable, but a natural part of life in Rome. Meals can seem like marathons at first; Italians sit down for several hours, with the focus on the gathering of friends and family rather than the consumption of food. Which brings me to my next point 2. Food: The food in Italy is the best in the world. I dont think many would dispute this. Rome is in the heart of Italy, giving it both a tremendous history and  a solid blend of the different Italian dishes, from the seafood in the north to the pizza in the south. Every meal is a breathtaking roller coaster that cannot disappoint the taste buds. I found a new appreciation for dellacqua frizzante or sparkling water, and improved my cooking talents from poor to mediocre during this time (Ill just never be good). I could never get sick of a pizza margherita, although I did get to consume a wide variety of other foods in other parts of Europe while I was traveling.  And the gelato Regular ice cream will never satisfy you again! Tre pasti a pizzeria Gelato 3. Travel: About every other weekend, my friends and I would pack up our backpacks (only one carry-on allowed), and take off (usually on RyanAir, a super cheap airline that can cost as low as 50 euros for a roundtrip flight!) for another part of Europe. This took careful planning and a few nights of staying cooped up in the apartment on the laptop with a couple Peronis. But now Ive seen every part of the world Im from (Italy, Germany, Ireland), as well as exploring other countries like Switzerland, Hungary, Spain, and England. Talk about adventures! Cliffs of Moher, Ireland 4. Friends: I was anxious at first about going to an unfamiliar place, attending an unfamiliar school, and speaking an unfamiliar language, let alone going with no one I knew! I was randomly placed into an apartment with seven other dudes, so I was hopeful that I would find someone I clicked with. Within a week, I had a tremendous group of friends and was stoked I hadnt bogged myself down with anyone from home. The experience would have been great either way, but making new friends with people who knew nothing about me was a great experience. I ended up meeting so many great people from all across the US and Europe alike, forming many great friendships. I still keep in contact with four or five of my friends from there, and if I had my wedding today a few of these people would be standing beside me. I learned more about myself and about what is important in life from these new friends than anyone else. I also picked up a few habits from them. My roommate was an avid guitar player so I developed up a new fascination for music, and picked up playing the guitar the day I was back in California. 5. Independence: I grew up more in my four months abroad than I did in four years of being at college. Fending for yourself, traveling on your own, protecting yourself from gypsies, doing your own laundry these were all new concepts to me that started to make me feel like the mature 22 year old I was supposed to be. Being away from mommy and daddy for four whole months was a new experience for me. Im by no means a mommas boy, but this time away from home was novel to me. However, I was never once homesick, and was eating up every second of studying abroad so much that I actually dreaded the return flight home (even with all the extra legroom a regular airline provides). I remember staying up til 4am, saying my last goodbyes and talking to my buds about our favorite restaurants, trips, laughs, and good times in Europe. Ive heard great things about peoples study abroad experiences from all over the world. No matter where you choose to study, I guarantee it will be a time you will remember, and that you will not come home the same person. I was told this and thought, how much can I really change? But after being back for a couple months, I realize Im not the same person, and Im extremely pleased with the changes (although my best friend, Derek, was a little freaked out at the woven necklaces I wear now). The grass IS greener on the other side of the world. Go study abroad. Once youre there, you wont look back or search for any other kind of green.  Take John Mayers advice.  Or just click here to hear a great song with some incredible guitar work. Stay tuned for parts two and three of Another Kind of Green, where Ill talk about tips to maximize your study abroad experience, as well as the process of readjusting to life back in the homeland.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 The Indian Reorganization Act, or the Wheeler-Howard Act, was legislation enacted by the U.S. Congress on June 18, 1934, intended to loosen federal government control over American Indians. The act sought to reverse the government’s long-standing policy of forcing Indians to abandon their culture and assimilate into American society by allowing the tribes a greater degree of self-government and encouraging the retention of historic Indian culture and traditions. Key Takeaways: Indian Reorganization Act The Indian Reorganization Act, signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt on June 18, 1934, loosened U.S. government control of American Indians.The act sought to help Indians retain their historic culture and traditions rather than being forced to abandon them and assimilating into American society.The act also allowed and encouraged the Indian tribes to govern themselves while increasing the federal government’s efforts to improve living conditions on Indian reservations.While many tribal leaders praised the act as the â€Å"Indian New Deal,†others criticized it for its shortcomings and failure to realize its potential. The act returned control of the land and mineral rights to former Indian lands back to the tribes and sought to improve the economic condition of the Indian reservations. The law did not apply to Hawaii, and a similar law passed in 1936 applied to Indians in Alaska and Oklahoma, where no reservations remained. In 1930, the U.S. census counted 332,000 American Indians in the 48 states, including those living on and off reservations. Due largely to the Indian Reorganization Act, government spending on Indian affairs increased from $23 million in 1933 to over $38 million in 1940. In 2019, the U.S. federal budget included $2.4 billion for programs serving the American Indian and Alaska Native population. While many tribal leaders hail the Indian Reorganization Act as the â€Å"Indian New Deal,†others, saying that it actually had a negative effect on Indians, called it the â€Å"Indian Raw Deal.†Historical Background In 1887, Congress had enacted the Dawes Act, intended to force Native American Indians to assimilate into U.S. society by abandoning their cultural and social traditions. Under the Dawes Act, some ninety million acres of tribal land was taken from Native Americans by the U.S. government and sold to the public. The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 had granted full U.S. citizenship only to American-born Indians living on reservations. In 1924, Congress recognized Native American’s service in World War I by authorizing the Meriam Survey assessing the quality of life on the reservations. For example, the report found that while the average national per capita income in 1920 was $1,350, the average Native American made only $100 a year. The report blamed U.S. Indian policy under the Dawes Act for contributing to such poverty. The abysmal conditions on Indian reservations detailed in the Meriam Report of 1928 drew sharp criticism of the Dawes Act and drove demands for reform. Passage and Implementation The Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) was championed in Congress by John Collier, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Long a critic of forced assimilation, Collier hoped the act would help American Indians govern themselves, retain their tribal reservation lands, and become economically self-sufficient. As proposed by Collier, the IRA met stiff opposition in Congress, as many influential private-sector interests had profited greatly from the sale and management of Native American lands under the Dawes Act. In order to gain passage, supporters of the IRA agreed to allow the BIA, within the Department of Interior (DOI), to retain oversight of the tribes and reservations. While the act did not terminate existing private-sector ownership of any Indian reservation lands, it did allow the U.S. government to buy back some of the privately owned lands and restore it to Indian tribal trusts. In the first 20 years after its passage, the IRA resulted in the return of more than two million acres of land to the tribes. However, by not disturbing existing private ownership of reservation lands, the reservations emerged as patchwork quilts of privately- and tribally-controlled land, a situation which persists today. Constitutional Challenges Since the enactment of the Indian Reorganization Act, the U.S. Supreme Court has been asked to address its constitutionality on several occasions. The court challenges have typically arisen from a provision of the IRA under which the U.S. government is allowed to acquire non-Indian land by voluntary transfer and convert it into Indian land held in federal trusts. These lands may then be used for certain activities intended to benefit the tribes, such as Las Vegas-style casinos in states that do not otherwise allow gambling. Such Indian tribal lands also become exempt from most state taxes. As a result, state and local governments, as well as individuals and businesses objecting to the impacts of large Indian casinos, often sue to block the action. Legacy: New Deal or Raw Deal? In many ways, the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) succeeded in delivering its promise of being the â€Å"Indian New Deal.†It directed funds from President Roosevelt’s actual Great Depression-era New Deal programs toward improving conditions on the Indian reservations that had suffered under the Dawes Act and encouraged renewed public appreciation and respect for Native American culture and traditions. The IRA made funds available to help Native American groups buy tribal lands lost to the Dawes Act’s allotment program. It also required that Indians be given first consideration for filling Bureau of Indian Affairs jobs on the reservations. However, many historians and tribal leaders argue that the IRA failed American Indians in many aspects. First, the act assumed that most Indians would want to remain on their tribal reservations if the living conditions on them were improved. As a result, Indians who wanted to fully assimilate into white society resented the degree of â€Å"paternalism†the IRA would allow the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to hold over them. Today, many Indians say the IRA created a â€Å"back-to-the-blanket†policy intended to keep them on the reservations as little more than â€Å"living museum exhibits.†While the act allowed Indians a degree of self-government, it pushed the tribes to adopt U.S.–style governments. Tribes that adopted written constitutions similar to the U.S. Constitution and replaced their governments with U.S. city council-like governments were given generous federal subsidies. In most cases, however, the new tribal constitutions lacked provisions for separation of powers, often resulting in friction with Indian elders. While funding for the needs of Indians increased due to the IRA, the annual budget for the Bureau of Indian Affairs remained inadequate to deal with the growing demands of economic development for the reservations or to provide adequate health and educational facilities. Few individual Indians or reservations were able to become financially self-sustaining. According to Native American historian Vine Deloria Jr., while the IRA provided opportunities for Indian revitalization, its promises were never fully realized. In his 1983 book â€Å"American Indians, American Justice,†Deloria noted, â€Å"Many of the old customs and traditions that could have been restored under the IRA climate of cultural concern had vanished during the interim period since the tribes had gone to the reservations.†In addition, he noted that the IRA eroded reservation Indians’ experience of self-government based on Indian traditions. â€Å"Familiar cultural groupings and methods of choosing leadership gave way to the more abstract principles of American democracy, which viewed people as interchangeable and communities as geographical marks on a map.†Sources and Further Reference Wilma, David. â€Å"Wheeler-Howard Act (Indian Reorganization Act) shifts U.S. policy toward Native American right to self-determination on June 18, 1934.†â€Å"Indian New Deal.†US National Archives: Pieces of History.â€Å"Indian Affairs: Indian Affairs Funding.†US Department of the Interior (2019).â€Å"Meriam Report: The Problem of Indian Administration (1928).†National Indian Law LibraryDeloria Jr, Vine, and Lyttle, Clifford. â€Å"American Indians, American Justice.†1983. ISBN-13: 978-0292738348Giago, Tim. â€Å"Good or Bad? Indian Reorganization Act Turns 75.†Huffington PostKelly, Lawrence C. â€Å"The Indian Reorganization Act: The Dream and the Reality.†Pacific Historical Review (1975). DOI: 10.2307/3638029.
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